Project title: “Implementation of flexographic printing with ultraviolet (UV) technology for the production of heat-shrinkable caps/caps in order to introduce a competitive product to the market”.
Project value: PLN 2,767,500.00
Grant value: PLN 999,900.00
Project description:
The project relates to the purchase of a flexographic printing machine (2016) in order to implement a technology for the production of a cap/shrink cap based on flexographic printing with UV technology.
The main objective of the project is to increase the application of innovation in the company by strengthening investment activity aimed at increasing its competitiveness in the regional and national market.
The implementation of the project will enable the introduction of two new products: a heat-shrinkable cap created using flexographic printing technology with UV technology and a heat-shrinkable cap made entirely of PVC film with the possibility of 3D printing.
In addition, the project will significantly improve the products offered so far and thus increase the company’s market share. The direct effect will be the expansion of the company’s offer and an increase in revenue from its operations.
The project will apply innovative product, process and organizational technologies. Business costs will be reduced due to production optimization and material savings. The financial indicators of the company will be improved, there will be an increase in product sales, the development of the company means the economic development of the region. The implementation of the project results from the needs of the applicant, the market and customers, means the possibility to implement new technologies and innovative technical solutions. The project is part of the development strategy in the domestic and foreign markets included in the company’s expansion plan.
The project will result in: the creation of 4 new jobs (2016), the introduction of product innovation – two new and one upgraded product. In the short term, the investment will affect the ability to sell new products at the highest technological level. Through the implementation of the project, the company will improve its competitiveness and take a leadership position in the industry, fill a market niche in the area covered by the application.
The project is implemented under Priority Axis 1: Innovative and competitive economy, Measure 1.5 Strengthening the competitiveness of enterprises Sub-measure 1.5.2 Strengthening the competitiveness of key areas of the region’s economy of the Wielkopolska Regional Operational Program 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.